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“Children are growing up visibly”: summer camps are developing in Ariège thanks to Réseau Colo 09

the essential
The holidays are just around the corner. An opportunity for children to go to camp. To allow as many little Ariège residents as possible to discover the joys of these stays without parents, Réseau Colo 09 comes into play. Presentation.

The first summer camps often represent the first adventures, discoveries and other significant experiences. Due to its natural environment, Ariège is a beautiful welcoming territory for colonies. Nearly 3,500 children came to discover the department in 2023 when 1,500 Ariégeois went to a colony.

It is to encourage as many of these children as possible to experience this type of vacation that Réseau Colo 09 was created. It brings together around twenty structures, players in the world of vacation stays. Among them, Les Francas de l’Ariège, a popular education association, the Departmental Service for Youth, Engagement and Sports (SDJES) and the colony of La Maraude in Arrout are coordinating so that “a maximum children from all backgrounds can leave”, confirms Stéphanie Bureau, coordinator at Les Francas. “It’s an experience that everyone should live,” confirms Virginie Devolder, SDJES popular education and youth advisor.

Children’s creativity has no limits as this group photo demonstrates.
Colo 09 Network

“There is an interesting social mix”

According to professionals in this field, the colonies do not lack virtues for children. “They gain autonomy from having to manage daily tasks without parents, as well as in human relationships because there is an interesting social mix,” says Virginie Devolder. “For some, it gives them a real breath of fresh air compared to the family environment which can be difficult,” adds Stéphanie Bureau. “Children can discover activities or deepen them. They are growing visibly.”

The camps are not just a simple vacation where you enjoy the landscapes. An educational project is built by the supervisory teams who have been preparing since the beginning of the year.

Return of Bafa to boarding school in Ariège

To supervise children in leisure centers or camps, half of the supervisors must be qualified. The best known remains the Bafa (Brevet of aptitude for the functions of facilitator) accessible from 16 years old. Even if it is possible to train for this diploma in Ariège, the specificity of taking it in a boarding school comes back thanks to La Maraude, in Arrout, with a session planned from August 23 to 30 for the first basic course out of the three to be carried out.

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“Last year, the children prepared a cabinet of curiosities. They became guides and created shows and a video project. It was very well thought out and funny,” recalls Virginie Devolder visiting the colony from La Maraude, to Arrout.

Read also :
Summer camps with La Maraude

Colonies accessible from 25 euros

During each stay, a theme is highlighted. Most revolve around the environment, sport or culture with circus, music or theater workshops. Young people from Ariège have the opportunity to rediscover their territory. Adolescents can co-construct their project and go abroad such as Spain or Italy or move closer to cities.

In this month of June, which is dedicated to registrations, Réseau colo 09 insists on the fact that summer camps are open to everyone and for all budgets. “Depending on the financial capacities of the families, the first prices do not exceed 25 euros. There are several solutions to obtain aid.”

The campfire, here at Girech, an inseparable activity from summer camps.
Colo 09 Network

To encourage the first departures of the youngest, Réseau colo 09 has no shortage of projects. Pooling support systems to make them more accessible is one of their ambitions, as is the creation of a website for next summer as well as a camp festival in the spring.

If summer camps came to a halt during the health crisis, they seem to be coming back with more and more force.


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