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Legislative elections 2024. Find out who is a candidate in the Territoire de Belfort and your constituency

Are you voting in the Territoire de Belfort department from Delle to Joncherey or Belfort city? Who is a candidate? The early legislative elections caused by the dissolution of the National Assembly following the results of the European elections will take place on Sundays June 30 and July 7. In a short time, RN, Republicans, Macronists, from the PS to LFI, on the left and on the right, the parties had to find candidates.

Here is the list of legislative candidates for the first round, a list classified in alphabetical order in each constituency. This list has been validated by the Ministry of the Interior. She won’t move anymore.

Also read: How to vote by proxy? 4 valuable tips for giving your voice to the 2024 legislative elections

BELFORT TERRITORY – 1st constituency – Belfort-Delle

Who is a candidate?

  • Marie-Eve Belorgey (New Popular Front – PS)
  • Ian Boucard (Les Républicains) – outgoing MP
  • Maggy Grosdidier (Presidential majority – Modem)
  • Marion Kemps Houver (Standing France)
  • Carine Manck (National Rally)
  • Séverine Merlini (Regionalist)
  • Christiane Petitot (Workers’ Struggle)

In 2022, during previous legislative elections, the voters had chosen to re-elect Ian Boucard, LR. He came first in the second round with 61.61% of the votes ahead of RN candidate Christophe Soustelle (38.39%).

Ian Boucard, outgoing MP The Republicans came in first on the evening of the first round with 27.76% of the vote. He was ahead of the RN candidate of Marine Le Pen, namely Christophe Soustelle, 21.42% of the vote.

BELFORT TERRITORY – 2nd district of

Who is a candidate?

  • Guillaume Bigot (National Rally)
  • Florian Chauche (New Popular Front – LFI) – outgoing MP
  • Célia Keck (Regionalist)
  • Josée Martinez (Presidential Majority – Modem)
  • Simon Pheulpin (Workers’ Struggle)
  • Didier Vallverdu (The Republicans)

In 2022, during previous legislative elections, Florian Chauche, candidate of Nupes-La France Insoumise, won with 51.37% of the votes cast, ahead of Sophie Carnicer of the RN, 48.63%.

Sophie Carnicer, a candidate who created a buzz by participating in the first round debate on France 3. She obtained 19.15% of the votes in the first round. Florian Chauche, from Nupes-La France Insoumise, took the lead with 26.42% of the voters’ votes.

Remember that during these legislative elections, we will elect 577 deputies in France for a 5-year mandate. It is an election which will take place in two rounds unless one of the candidates wins more than 50% of the votes in the first round in a constituency. To be able to remain in the second round, a candidate must obtain in the first round a number of votes at least equal to 12.5% ​​of the number of voters registered in the constituency.

Results of the 2024 European elections in the Territoire de Belfort.

© France Télévisions

In the Territoire de Belfort department, Sunday June 9 during the European elections, voters chose to place the National Rally list at the top.

Follow the news from the 2024 legislative elections on France 3


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