DayFR Euro

an LR/RN on the road to Xavier Albertini

In the first constituency of the Marne, Reims-Burgundy, the outgoing Xavier Albertini will defend the colors of the presidential movement under the Horizons label, that of the friends of former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe. Engaged since 2001 as an elected official in the City of Reims, Xavier Albertini, a lawyer by profession, was from 2014 to 2022 second deputy alongside Arnaud Robinet, mayor of Reims, in charge of security; he was also regional advisor from 2010 to 2021 and vice-president of the Grand-Est region in 2016.

He will have to face a single right-wing candidate, Adrien Mexis, stamped both Les Républicains and Rassemblement national (a double label to be taken rather in the opposite direction, first RN, then LR, if we are to believe Valérie Beauvais, president of the LR federation of Marne and of which Adrien Mexis is unknown). A very different configuration from the first round of 2022, where the right aligned not only a Les Républicains candidate (Valérie Beauvais), but also two extreme nationalist candidates, Roger Paris for the National Rally, and Florian Benadassi for Reconquête, plus a fourth candidate, sovereignist (Corentin Dejoie).

As for the left, its moderate family will be embodied, as in 2022, by the ecologist Évelyne Bourgoin, who synthesizes the New Popular Front and Europe Ecology the Greens. Compared to 2022, she will not have to fear competition from another environmentalist candidate (centrist, Céline Brunhoso); on the other hand, the extreme left, in the person of Vincent Varlet (Lutte Ouvrière) risks, like two years ago, biting into its electorate.

In 2022, Xavier Albertini won in the second round, with 55.91% against the Nupes candidate, Évelyne Bourgoin (44.09%).

Reminder: 1st round of legislative elections June 30, 2nd round July 7.

1st constituency – Reims-Burgundy
Outgoing: Xavier Albertini (Horizons) Candidates: Xavier Albertini (Horizons)

Évelyne Bourgoin (NFP – EELV) Adrien Mexis (LR/RN) Vincent Varlet (LO).


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