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2024 legislative elections: the candidates from Nord and Pas-de-Calais officially known, time for the campaign


How many candidates?

There are 123 candidates in the North, spread across 21 constituencies. This is less than in 2022 (in the last legislative elections), for which 201 candidates presented themselves. In Pas-de-Calais, there are 72 candidates spread over the twelve constituencies. There were 127 in 2022.

The union of the left with the New Popular Front (which, it should be noted, did not work everywhere, the most publicized example being the 1D northern constituency) and the speed with which the candidates had to react (one week to submit their files) explain these figures. The official campaign begins this Monday morning, activists will be able to stick their candidate’s posters on the panels allocated to them by drawing lots.


Why a draw, with numbered balls?

Just after the end time for official submission of applications, each prefecture carries out a surprising draw for newbies. Using a ballot box and numbered balls, like a sort of lottery, prefectural staff determine the order in which candidates are displayed on electoral panels. For each constituency. A solemn moment, open to the public, which took place this Sunday evening.

In fact, only people directly interested in this draw attend, candidates or assistants. This time, at the Northern Prefecture, the public was larger than usual. “ Given the speed with which we had to organize, we say to ourselves that there may be surprises, candidates who did not have time to submit their applications, for example. This is probably why there are more people than usual. », Tells us François Schmitt, substitute for Charlotte Brun (New Popular Front candidate in the 4e constituency), present in the public.


One of the constituencies scrutinized: 1D North

The 1D Northern constituency experienced twists and turns until the end of the pre-campaign, Adrien Quatennens (LFI) having withdrawn this Sunday morning, in favor of Aurélien Lecocq (LFI), invested by the New Popular Front. He is a good candidate.

Amy Bah, another left-wing candidate in the constituency, had announced that she would maintain her candidacy. This is confirmed and made official by the prefecture. In all, the 1D Northern constituency has 14 candidates. A record in the department.


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