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Algeria: Diplomatic decline and perfidy

LAlgeria’s tactics are both dishonorable and indicative of its political failure. To give weight to its false claims regarding the Moroccan Sahara, the Algerian government brought three Moroccan renegades to New York. “The Algerian government brings back to New York, finances, pays the plane tickets and hotels of a few mercenaries in order to attack the institutions of the Kingdom,” denounced Hilale. This strategy of manipulation shows to what extent Algeria is short of credible support for its cause.

Algerian actions are despicable and unacceptable. “They are traitors and it is unfortunate that the Algerian government resorts to these methods,” underlined Hilale, recalling that Morocco, as a thousand-year-old nation, would never adopt such methods. This moral distinction between the two nations is striking: Morocco advocates values ​​of respect and dignity, while Algeria engages in unworthy and dishonorable maneuvers.

The economic and social situation in Algeria adds a tragic dimension to this affair. “While the Algerian people queue for flour, milk, bananas and others, the Algerian government pays mercenaries who it installs in 5-star hotels in New York for the sole purpose of insulting Morocco,” Hilale lamented. This statement highlights the shocking contrast between the priorities of the Algerian government and the basic needs of its population. The squandering of public resources for international smear campaigns is an insult to Algerian citizens who suffer on a daily basis.

To Hilale’s well-founded accusations, the Algerian ambassador responded with silence which says a lot about the fragility and isolation of Algerian diplomacy. “Algeria has spent billions of dollars on its +polisario+ mercenaries. Now she is also spending millions of dollars bribing lowlifes. Which is unfortunate. I call this United Nations room as witness as well as the international community and, above all, the Algerian people so that they know where their money is going,” Hilale insisted.

Finally, in response to Algerian criticism on human rights, Hilale recalled that Morocco openly invited representatives of the Human Rights Council to visit the country, including the Sahara. On the other hand, Algeria evades this transparency. “I would like the Algerian ambassador to present us with these invitations to the special procedures of the Human Rights Council,” he told Benjama.

A country in decline

This new episode at C24 highlighted the duplicity and baseness of Algerian diplomacy, which will stop at nothing to try to destabilize Morocco. Algeria’s actions are not only an affront to the principles of sovereignty and respect for nations, but they also reveal a profound disregard for the true needs and aspirations of its own people.

But all this is hardly surprising. In the vast North African geopolitical scene, this umpteenth diplomatic maneuver only highlights the decline and isolation of Algeria. A country obsessed with the Kingdom and which is increasing its efforts to sabotage the international recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over its Sahara. However, despite enormous spending on lobbying and dubious alliances, its initiatives were swept away by a wave of international recognition in favor of Morocco, including by heavyweights like the United States and Spain, and even several African countries. .

This series of failures reveals a chronic inability to adapt to new geopolitical realities. Algerian leaders seem prisoners of an obsolete vision of the world.
The irony: faced with these successive setbacks, Algerian diplomacy has found nothing better than to play the victimization card. At every opportunity, Algiers accuses its neighbors, notably Morocco, of plots, attributing its failures to imaginary enemies rather than the incompetence of its leaders. Retreating, in fact, into a defensive and bellicose posture, which ends up irritating even its traditional allies.

This is why, today, the world is helplessly witnessing the decline of a country which, incapable of aligning itself with the new geopolitical paradigms, clings desperately to chimeras.

F. Ouriaghli


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