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Swiss wine: Swiss Wine launches the maneuvering grades for the summer

Swiss Wine launches laborer grades for the summer


Published today at 8:33 p.m.

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“This summer, taste Switzerland!”: it is with this slogan that Swiss Wine Promotion launches its operations to seduce Swiss wine for the period from June 15 to August 15. The country’s wine regions are thus at the heart of a campaign aimed at (re)discovering regional wines through gastronomy, wine tourism or directly from the wine grower.

From Lavaux to Geneva, then to Schaffhausen and Ticino, in the Trois-Lakes region and finally in Valais, the SWP coordinates actions to bring wine lovers closer to good bottles and farms. This is the case with the initiative with restaurants labeled “Swiss Wine Gourmet”: this symbol is awarded to establishments – more than 1000 listed to date – which offer Swiss wines from different regions on their menu.

Through his Web pageSwiss Wine will offer numerous activities, competitions and promotions until August 15.

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