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The Chaumont round of fun cars kept its promises

The Chaumontese round of fun cars, counting for the French Cup, contested on Sunday June 16, on the Ferme de la Peine circuit delighted drivers and spectators alike.

Barrels, crumpled metal, everything that makes the competition, punctuated the afternoon to the delight of the spectators present in large numbers around the circuit.

For this Chaumont stage, the organizers had pulled out all the stops in order to celebrate the forty years of the event with dignity. A somewhat watery fortieth birthday at the end of the day. No matter, if the usual “finish” had to be canceled for safety reasons, the drivers spared no effort on the Chaumont circuit, as explained by Christophe Moris, driver and president of Fun cars haute- marnais. “We were very lucky with the weather even if we had to cancel the finish because it was really slippery and became dangerous for the drivers. With 1,500 entries, it is a good vintage,” confided the head of the discipline in the department.

The Chaumontais shine in speed

On the occasion of this 40e anniversary, the two special “parent-child” rounds, which were new, brought joy to the drivers present and in particular to the parents, some of whom were a few years younger.

In the show category, which consists of making the most barrels in eight minutes, the Dauphiné drivers carried out a raid, with the victory of Sylvain Marche ahead of Tristan Mallein. Johan Georges managed to get between two other drivers from Dauphiné to take third place on the podium.

Present in large numbers in the speed category, the Chaumontais drivers, who were keen to shine at home, performed well like Franck Gauthey, who took the second step of the podium. The victory went to the member of La Celle-en-Morvan, namely Emmanuel Satory who completed the greatest number of laps of the circuit. Côte d’Orien Brian Guillerminet completed the podium to beat Christophe Moris. The latter, winner of the French Speed ​​Cup eight times, gave everything to try to get on the podium in vain. As for Christophe Leroux, he finished in a good 6e place.

Despite the cancellation of the “finish” due to weather, the 40e edition of the Chaumontese fun car race delivered some great fights to the delight of spectators always eager for thrills.

Romain Randoing



1. S. Marche (Dauphiné); 2. T. Mallein (Dauphiné); 3. J. Georges (St-Martin); 4. B. Calu (Dauphiné); 5. G. Leh (Dauphiné); 6. G. Flevry (Pierrois); 7. T. Perrin (Passy); 8. A. De Almeida (Auxonne); 9. T. Rousset (Domessin); 10. R. Tornicelli (Domessin).
1. E. Satory (La Celle); 2. F. Gauthey (Chaumont); 3. B. Guillerminet (Auxonne); 4. C. Moris (Chaumont); 5. G. Paulet (Bressan); 6. C. Leroux (Chaumont); 7. J. Guillerminet (Auxonne); 8. A. Casado (Rhone); 9. D. Prevost (Chaumont); 10. A. Wein (Chaumont).

Chaumontais Christophe Moris finished at the foot of the podium in speed.

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