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Weather report. Severe storms feared in the West

The north-west of France is not done with bad weather. After a rainy weekend of June 15 and 16, stormy showers will follow one another starting this Monday, June 17. These stormy showers could be locally violent from Tuesday June 18 until Thursday June 20 according to meteorologists. During the night from Monday to Tuesday, thunderstorms are expected to return to our western regions, potentially being strong locally. indicates the West antenna of Météo France. And new storms, which could require special vigilance, are expected to hit the region the following night .

From Tuesday to Friday, a cold drop will cross France, accompanied by sometimes violent thunderstorms confirms Gilles Matricon, meteorologist, on the La Chaîne Météo website.

Météo France specifies: During the night of Tuesday, thunderstorms will begin in Aquitaine then extend to the Center, Île-de-France to Hauts-de-France. Late Tuesday afternoon, a new, more marked stormy deterioration, with locally strong thunderstorms, will start in Aquitaine then shift towards the Center during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday and extend to a large western half of the country Wednesday .

Forecasts to be confirmed

However, these forecasts remain to be confirmed. The risk of thunderstorms in Maine-et-Loire and Deux-Sèvres is only 30% for Tuesday and Wednesday according to Météo France. On the other hand, the Keraunos site, the observatory for tornadoes and violent storms, mentions a high probability and speaks of intense rain, hail and strong winds .


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