DayFR Euro

Legislative. When Pascal Praud was notified before Gabriel Attal of the dissolution of the Assembly

If he had released the information, it could have been a great scoop. He preferred, and his channel with it, to be one step ahead. According to information from World Pascal Praud, star presenter of CNewsa channel owned by Vincent Bolloré, was warned of the dissolution of the National Assembly decided by the Head of State, well before anyone else.
It was two advisors to the Élysée, Bruno Roger-Petit, memory advisor to Emmanuel Macron, and the former Sarkozyist Pierre Charon, also the president’s éminence grise, who allegedly alerted Praud on June 9. This “around 6 p.m., even before the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, and almost all members of the government”write journalists Ariane Chemin and Ivanne Trippenbach who have investigated in recent days behind the scenes of this surprise decision announced on the evening of a painful defeat in the European elections.
On air the next day, the star presenter will even brag about it tomorrow. “I didn’t say it, I didn’t tweet it. »

Dangerous connections

Several politicians or journalists were outraged by this favorable treatment from the Élysée towards CNews. “The anecdote tells of the decline at the top of the State”, regrets, for example, the journalist Jean-Michel Apathy.

Press and media historian, Alexis Lévrier tweets: “This naivety of Macronism in the face of the Bollorean media threatens to take away the Republic.” “How can we believe that Emmanuel Macron is not a springboard for the extreme right? » Arthur Delaporte, outgoing PS deputy from Calvados, is outraged.


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