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Liévin: he bets 3 euros on PMU and pockets more than 100,000 euros


Hervine Mahaud

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 5:10 p.m.

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This day of June 9, 2024 will remain engraved in memories. For most French people, it will necessarily recall the dissolution of the National Assembly. But for one resident of Liévin, it was the day when everything changed. Indeed, after having bet a small amount in a PMUhe won a jackpot of more than 100,000 euros !

“He’s not a big player”

On Sunday June 9 in Liévin, a lucky bettor bet 3 euros on Quinté+ in the “Aux rendez-vous des minors” point of sale. He had the very pleasant surprise of winning the nice sum of 101,625 euros, precisely!

For manager Myriam Decarnin, such a high gain is rare. She remembers a bettor who won 243,000 euros, “around fifteen years ago”. The 100,000 euros last Sunday represent the second big gain PMU has won since it took over the reins of the establishment in 2000.

“The winner came back to claim their winnings the next day. He wanted to check that it was the right amount. I’m delighted for him. He is part of my regular clientele. He is not a big player, he plays regularly but never for large amounts. The rest of my customers are starting to know that such a sum was won. It’s great, it adds some excitement! »

The 3rd big winner of 2024 in Pas-de-Calais

The lucky bettor from Liévin thus became a big PMU winner since he won a sum exceeding 100,000 euros.

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“If at present there are 97 big winners to have won such a sum since the start of 2024, this is the third in the department, the first having won 283,466 euros in May in Nœux-les -Mines and the second 167,013 euros on June 2 in Houdain.

Two winnings of more than 100,000 euros were won in the department one week apart,” the PMU communication said.

The year 2024 seems favorable to PMU Pas-de-Calais players!

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