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Legislative elections 2024 – “We must aim high”: in the Landes, the National Rally displays its ambitions

“We are aiming for more than the second round”. The posture is clear, the words thrown. They were spoken by the number one of the National Rally in the Landes for a year and a half now, Ludovic Biesbrouck, also candidate for the seat of deputy for the 2nd constituency (Dax and the south coast). In the 1st (Mont-de-Marsan and the north of the department), the RN will be represented by Véronique Fossey, retired from National Education, and in the 3rd (Chalosse in particular), regional councilor Sylvie Franceschini. The party will therefore be present in each Landes constituency. Although he has never won a seat here, nor even reached the second round, this time, the ambitions are completely different.

The RN at more than 40% in certain municipalities

In the last European elections, the RN collected more than 30% of the votes cast in the Landes. Locally, the scores were even much higher, in the north of the department for example: 41% in Gastes, 44% in Saugnac-et-Muret, and up to 49% in Liposthey.

The RN therefore wants to ride this wave and is embarking on this new campaign for the Legislatives with confidence. With the ambitions that go with it. “We met this weekend, between candidatessays the Landes number one of the party. No one talks about the second round, we talk about victory. You have to aim high.”. He is aware of this: “To have even one candidate in the second round would be a great first, it would be historic.”

The number of members has jumped

If the Landes extreme right is so confident, it is because“There’s something going on here. It really is the year of the RN in the Landes even goes so far as to say Ludovic Biesbrouck. “Before, the people who voted for us hid a little, today that is no longer the case”. According to him, this is reflected in memberships.

“Last week, membership literally explodedhe says. We did times ten. I would have been very happy to say to myself that that’s it, we’ve passed the bar of 400 current members. Today we are not far away, no more close even to the 500 members only 400″. Ludovic Biesbrouck remembers that a few years ago Marine Le Pen’s party reached a maximum of 300.


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