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6,000 cyclists take part in the Loop of the Grand Défi Pierre Lavoie

More than 6,000 cyclists started the Loop of the Grand Défi Pierre Lavoie on the Quebec Bridge on Saturday morning. The 135 kilometer event took place mainly on the South Shore.

The Quebec Bridge was closed to automobile traffic until 5 p.m. to allow loopers to travel there safely.

Between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., the cyclists took the bridge again, Chemin Saint-Louis and Avenue des Gouverneurs to finish the circuit at Laval University. Motorists were therefore advised to avoid these areas.

While the numerous road closures have sometimes caused headaches for motorists, cyclists have greatly benefited.

kilometers of completely closed roads. It’s an idea that comes from France”,”text”:”What makes this event so strong is the 135 kilometers of completely closed roads. It’s an idea that comes from France”}}”>What makes this event so strong is the 135 kilometers of completely closed roads. It’s an idea that comes from Franceexplains in an interview with Radio-Canada the general director and co-founder of the Grand Défi Pierre Lavoie, Germain Thibault.

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Germain Thibaut co-founded the Grand Défi with Pierre Lavoie.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Anne-Sophie Roy

Indeed, the organizers of the Grand Défi Pierre Lavoie were inspired by the Tour de France, which offers a closed circuit stage in which less experienced cyclists can participate.

This year, around 5,000 loopers joined the 1,000 participants in the 1,000 kilometer challenges.

Germain Thibault is delighted with Mother Nature’s collaboration. The temperature plays a huge role in the quality of the event and today we have the ideal conditions.

Touched and mobilized by a double mission

Both cycling enthusiasts, Sunday sports enthusiasts and citizens simply touched by the mission of the Fondation du Grand Défi Pierre Lavoie responded.

Since 2008, the Foundation is interested in the development, support and promotion of any activity that contributes to the adoption of a more active lifestylein addition to[épouser] the cause of orphan hereditary diseaseswe can read on its website.

The 2024 edition of the Grand Défi mobilizes at least 1,500 volunteers.

Patience will still be required on Sunday, for the last day of the event, notably in Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier, Les Équerres and Lac-Beauport, without forgetting the tour of Île d’Orléans, in the morning.

With information from Anne-Sophie Roy


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