DayFR Euro

The ATE engages in the campaign for the vote on the motorways with a new co-presidency

The strategic direction of ATE Switzerland is now assumed by Jelena Filipovic (BE) and David Raedler (VD). The election of the 32-year-old Bernese municipal councilor and the 37-year-old member of the Vaud Grand Council attests to the importance of a strong, forward-looking ATE. Indeed, immense challenges await Switzerland on the path to a sustainable transport policy equipped to face the future.

Jelena Filipovic and David Raedler replace Saint-Welsh Ruedi Blumer, who remained at the head of the ATE for six years. Under his leadership, the association notably initiated and coordinated the collection of signatures for the referendum against the extension of the motorways, which was a great success.

The ATE delegates also filled several vacancies on the Central Committee by electing Brenda Tuosto (VD) as well as Thomas Ruckstuhl (TI). These people replace Bruno Storni, Samuel Bendahan, Natalie Imboden and Gabi Petri, who had not stood as candidates or who could no longer stand for election due to term limits. Isabelle Pasquier-Eichenberger (GE), Dominik Beeler (jeuneATE), Evelyne Bezat-Grillet (VS), Heinz Flück (SO), Raphael Fuhrer (BS), Martin Perrez (BE) and Michael Töngi (LU) were re-elected to the Central Committee.

Crucial campaign for highway vote

The referendum against the unbridled expansion of motorways constitutes the political strong point of the ATE, whose declared objective is to fight against an exaggerated, ruinous and completely outdated motorway extension program. Indeed, the expansion of capacities would not solve the current traffic problems. Given global warming, it is much more appropriate to put an end to this development.

The ATE, its sections and the broad alliance which supports the referendum will oppose with all their strength against the motorway projects of the Federal Council and Parliament.



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