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SENEGAL-HABITAT-FORMATION / A climate-adapted housing project launched in Podor – Senegalese press agency

Podor, June 15 (APS) – A project to promote habitats adapted to the climatic conditions of the northern zone of Senegal was launched on Saturday in Podor, with a view to better environmental management, noted the ‘APS.

Called “Maadi bakkeere Fuuta” (building with Fouta mud), this project aims to “adapt the habitat to the climatic conditions of the area”.

It was officially launched during a ceremony chaired by the secretary general of the Podor departmental council, Abdoul Aziz Ndiath.

This project, deemed innovative and innovative, is supported by the Podor departmental council, accompanied by the NGO Le Partenariat and Luxembourg cooperation.

“It is part of the overall framework of environmental management. ‘Maadi bakkeere Fuuta’ uses clay to make compressed bricks to adapt our habitat to the climatic conditions of the area,” explained Abdoul Aziz Ndiath.

“Permanent buildings contribute to 40% of greenhouse gas emissions,” he argues, adding that “in this Sahelian zone [du Sénégal]we must promote ecological housing, which is comfortable and contributes to improving the health of populations”.

Lasting one year, this project will also encourage local companies to collaborate with the professional training centers of the Podor department, to “develop the offer in eco-construction and in particular in brick construction techniques compressed earth,” explained the technical director of the NGO Le Partenariat, Nicolas Dupuy.

The implementation of this project will make it possible to train young people in different construction trades, with a view to making them more independent so that they can stay in their region, welcomed the spokesperson for the entrepreneurs, Mamadou Malick Sy .

‘Maadi bakkeere Fuuta’ is an opportunity for training centers where it will develop “the practical aspect”, which should contribute to “giving credibility” to professional technical education establishments, noted the head of the departmental vocational training center. Galaye Ndiaye” by Podor, Moussa Dione.



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