DayFR Euro

is doing very well in Lot-et-Garonne

the essential
The general assembly of the Departmental Committee of Lot-et-Garonne took place this year at the Passage la Garenne racecourse. Always more licensees, but fewer young people for Tennis in Lot-et-Garonne.

It was in the bowels of the la Garenne racecourse in Passage-d'Agen, on the grounds of the caterer Mr. Biasolo, that the elective general assembly of the Lot-et-Garonne Tennis Committee was held. The presidents of 38 clubs out of 54 in the department were present, as well as the entire committee office, the treasurer, the general secretary, as well as its president, Didier Bezos, candidate for his own succession, as well as the president of the League d'Aquitaine de Tennis, Alain Moreau, accompanied by his verve and his usual witticisms. The vitality of the League was underlined by the moral report with an increase of 5.5% of licensees in the department to reach the number of 5,560, which closely follows the national trend which stands at + 5.66% . What should be remembered from these figures is the increase in adult licenses, but a drop of 37 young licensees.

The good management of the committee was confirmed by the accounting consultant of the company Aucenture and Thibaut Tisserat with the presentation of the surplus income statement, which will reassure members and financiers. The office obviously hopes to maintain these structural costs at this level and thus keep all these subsidies. The approval of the 2024 accounts and budget, as well as that of the modifications to the statutes, in particular with the introduction of “Pickleball to the article and the statutes”, were unanimously approved by a show of hands. The voting “Quorum” was reached (82.95%) at the general assembly of CD 47, and with 96.57%, it is clear that the list led by the outgoing president is declared the winner, and therefore as a result, its head of the list, Mr. Bezos, is re-elected president. The speakers then took turns to share the developments and results of the various commissions: Senior tennis commission +, Lot-et-Garonne youth commission, development commission and women's tennis focused on young girls (ADO Raquettes challenge) and new practices, such as padel, the fashionable “pickleball”, to end with the arbitration commission chaired for the last time by Gérard Vinrich and its batches of individual and collective rewards, with Sandy Gamblin and Harald Roy Petit, winner of the 3rd series of the Chatrier championship. Note the good overall performance of the ASPTT Agen Club with the maintenance of its first team in Nationale 4, and the rise of its team 2 in DSRA, and that of Passage Tennis in DSRB. Before concluding this meeting of the Tennis 47 committee placed under the sign of conviviality and the quality of its outfit with a drink of friendship, Alain Moreau, president of the Aquitaine Tennis League, wanted to deliver these words on his preference to direct the funds of the FFT to the equipment and infrastructures of the clubs rather than towards a hypothetical irrational compensation of local and national tennis elected officials.


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