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Vendée: this man harasses his ex but they plan to live together again in court


Editorial Challans

Published on

June 15, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.

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A young man from Saint-Meme-le-Tenu (Loire-Atlantique) was sentenced this Tuesday, June 4, 2024 by the Nantes criminal court for the “harassment” that he had subjected his ex to between May and December 2023. companion when the couple still lived Bois-de-Céné (Vendée). His ex-partner said she was ready to “resume life as a couple with him”.

The young man was also guilty of “death threats” and “damage” to the vehicle of the friend who was then hosting his ex-partner in Machecoul since the latter left with her two children aged 11 and 14: she had “no more feelings” for this man with whom she had been in a relationship for two and a half years.

He allegedly “kicked” the car and poured “energy drink on the rear window”, said the president of the Nantes criminal court.

He had threatened that he would “kill his cats”

The man had in fact promised this “s…” to “throw his things in the Marais” in Breton Vendée or even “in the forest”. He had also assured his ex-partner that he would show up “at his son’s school” “on the first day of school” or that he would “kill her cats”. “It’s going to be war,” he warned her.

He had “poured Red Bull” on the friend’s vehicle

The accused appeared before the gendarmes “with a lot of anger”, according to the soldiers; he admitted to having “poured Red Bull” on the car but refuted having damaged the vehicle of his ex-partner’s friend. He was then placed under judicial supervision, with a ban on contacting his victim again until the trial. At the hearing, his ex-partner said she was ready to resume married life with him but “on the condition of leaving Loire-Atlantique” and being closer to her own family.

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Already convicted three times

On a legal level, this 28-year-old had already been convicted three times, for cases of drug use, driving without a license and hit and run after an accident. He is now a “tenant in town hall accommodation” in Saint-Meme-le-Tenu, in the new commune of Machecoul-Saint-Meme. The public prosecutor had requested against him two and a half weeks of community service (TIG) and a “responsibility course” on “violence within the couple”.

“There is no longer a ban on contact between you”

The Nantes criminal court finally reclassified the facts as “malicious telephone calls”; for this the man received three weeks of TIG to be carried out within eighteen months. Otherwise, he would risk serving three months in prison. “We are seeing the situation evolve,” said the president to justify the leniency of the decision. “There is no longer a ban on contact between you. »

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