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The Migé mill, the last one in operation in Yonne, reveals its secrets for the 30th anniversary of its renovation

Three decades after putting on its wooden wings, the Migé mill will be in the spotlight on Sunday June 16. The building, more than two centuries old, is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its renovation, carried out by the association On the wing.

At the heart of the 1994 restoration, the wings of the Migé windmill will be revealed to the public during the anniversary of the rehabilitation of the building. Built at the end of the 18th century, it has experienced different lives. First used to grind wheat to supply nearby residents with flour, the building then supplied local bakers before ceasing to function towards the end of the 19th century.

A rehabilitation costing 200,000 euros

The farming family, owner of the mill and the land surrounding it, then decided to transform the building into a warehouse. “They took out the millstone because it was taxed, then they covered the mill. From this period, the building passed from hand to hand before ending up in disuse in the 1900s. The wings then fell,” explains Alain Guillon president of the association On the wing.

Discover the history of Yonne with the European Archeology Days, from June 14 to 16

Because at the beginning of the 1990s, the mill came under the aegis of this association. The latter restored the building in less than two years, for around 200,000 euros. The millstone returns to its original location, the interior regains its former colors, like the frame and the roof. In 1994, the mill was blown up again.

A site classified as a historic monument

Since then, the building has welcomed the public by appointment and during certain events such as Heritage Days. Classified as a historic monument, the Migé mill is the only one in the department to still be in operation.

Sunday June 16. Departure of the procession at 10 a.m., Place de la Mairie, in Migé. Guided tours of the mill located on the heights of Migé along the RN 151, stands, exhibitions, painting competitions and catering from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.



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