DayFR Euro

Legislative elections: find out which formation will represent the “New Popular Front” in your constituency

The left begins to dream. Obtaining a majority of seats in the National Assembly which will emerge from the second round of the legislative elections on July 7 seems within its reach, after the agreement obtained Thursday evening to form a “New Popular Front” associating La France insoumise (LFI) , the Socialist Party (PS), Europe Écologie-les Verts (EELV) and the French Communist Party (PCF). A common program has been built, and a single candidate will be in the running in each constituency.

The biggest piece of the pie will go to LFI, with 229 “circos”, ahead of the PS (175). The gap between these two movements is much narrower than that within Nupes in 2022, due to the good score obtained by Raphaël Glucksmann in the European elections on June 9 (around 14%, or twice as much as in 2019) . 92 constituencies go to the ecologists and 50 to the PCF.

Intense negotiations have begun in recent days to establish this distribution, each territory being more or less favorable to the left. As you can see on the map above, LFI obtains the vast majority of constituencies in the inner suburbs of Paris and even in Île-de-France. The PS will be largely represented in the South-West, one of its historic “bastions”.

“Look at history and become aware of one’s responsibilities”

With our module below, you can find out in two clicks who will represent the left union in your constituency by entering your address.

The New Popular Front must present its complete program this Friday at noon, during a press conference that you can follow on our live stream. This morning, Raphaël Glucksmann announced on France Inter that he was finally joining and supporting this alliance. “The only thing that matters is that the RN does not win these legislative elections and does not govern this country. (…) And the only possibility is the union of the left,” he indicated.

Even if he “forgets nothing” about past disagreements with LFI, particularly on the question of Ukraine and that of the war between Israel and Hamas, the MEP believes that “every man and woman must look at the history and become aware of one’s responsibilities.


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