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Outing idea. Saint-Jean de Marnay in the colors of the Olympics

Saturday June 29 will take place the 15th edition of the Saint-Jean bonfires in Marnay-sur-Marne. Accustomed to a grandiose event, what will we be able to find this year?

This is an unmissable event in Haute-Marne. For several years, the Saint-Jean fires in Marnay-sur-Marne have brought family and friends together in a festive atmosphere. For this 15e edition, the choice of theme was obvious: “ There was a theme that was written in advance and which we could not skip, it will be on the 2024 Olympic Games », says Stéphan Emeraux, mayor of Marnay-sur-Marne. Parisian atmosphere and unmissable monument are therefore expected.

A pyre that takes time

It has been a month since construction of the pyre began. After creating a Venetian bridge or even the Disney castle, the organization is tackling an essential monument in Paris: the Arc de Triomphe. Painted in the colors of the Olympic Games, this grandiose 10 m construction takes time to take its place in the decor.

“We are moving 300 meters away”

Indeed, following weather events, construction has slowed down somewhat. “ We are dealing with the weather events we are experiencing at the moment. It’s complicated to work 10 meters high when it rains », explains Stéphan. Despite everything, the mayor remains certain of one thing, the pyre will be built on time.

This year, the field located next to the village hall will not be trampled. For 2024, the party is relocating […]

Find the program and the new features of this 15th edition of the Feux de la Saint-Jean, in our edition of June 14, on newsstands, or in our online store.


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