When getting married, a young woman discovers that she is already married, after identity theft.
DayFR Euro

When getting married, a young woman discovers that she is already married, after identity theft.

Assia, 21, a resident of Yvelines, tells Le Parisien this Friday, September 13, about a mishap. While she wanted to get married, she discovered that someone had already done so under her identity, without her knowledge.

“I was speechless.” Can you be married without knowing it? That’s what happened to Assia, 21, a resident of Yvelines, as reported by Le Parisien. The young resident of Vélizy-Villacoublay wanted to get married next October. However, her plans got complicated. Not because of a question of the heart, but of papers.

It was with great surprise that Assia discovered, on September 3rd, by a phone call from her town hall, that she was already married. At least, in the eyes of the French administration. On August 10th, her name was indeed married to that of a certain Amine A., according to our colleagues.

A stolen identity card

This fake marriage was pronounced at the town hall of Noisy-le-Sec (Seine-Saint-Denis), by a municipal councilor, at the same time as four other couples. The fault was due to identity theft, probably a year old. The young woman discovered that a real identity card in her name had been used, potentially the one she “lost a year ago”.

“I did, however, file a declaration of loss: I find it scandalous that this was not verified to validate the marriage,” the victim complained to the Parisian daily. For its part, the town hall suspects that the impostor bears a resemblance to her victim.

The young woman does not know whether she suffered any other harm. She says she filed a complaint with her local police station, along with a letter to the Bobigny prosecutor.


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