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Dorian Deininger invested by the Republicans in the first constituency of Hautes-Alpes

The 26-year-old candidate is going on the campaign trail with his deputy Anne Baffert, a 58-year-old farmer in Sorbiers.

There will indeed be a candidate between the National Rally and Renaissance in the legislative elections in Gap, in the first constituency of Hautes-Alpes. A pair invested by Les Républicains formalized their candidacy with BFM DICI this Thursday, June 13. Dorian Deininger, head of the Young Republicans since 2020, is going on the campaign trail with Anne Baffert, a 58-year-old farmer in Sorbiers, as his deputy.

“We want to represent the Republican right and offer an alternative to the Haut-Alpines who must have another choice than the extreme left or a parachute candidate from the extreme right” attacks the 26-year-old candidate.

“We want to defend the Hautes-Alpes”

This engineer born in Gap drives the point home. “We want to work and commit to our territory. We will bring the files of the Hautes-Alpes to Paris because we know its specificities, its needs, its heritage. We want to defend the Hautes-Alpes. Major elected officials are encouraged to support us ” concludes the candidate.

He will have to face Pascale Boyer (Renaissance), Jérôme Sainte-Marie (National Rally) and Marie-José Allemand (Socialist Party).

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