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Morocco faces 52 million threats in 2023

In 2023, the cybersecurity landscape has undergone a worrying shift, with a 349% surge in email-borne malware across the globe, Trend Micro says in its “Calibration of Expansion” report. Trend Micro revealed that it intercepted and neutralized 52 million threats specifically targeting Morocco in 2023.

This dizzying figure reflects an intensification of cyberattacks using this means, which is becoming increasingly popular with cybercriminals. Conversely, phishing attempts and malicious URL detections fell by 27%, suggesting that hackers may now prefer malicious emails, which are more discreet and effective in bypassing traditional defenses.

An alarming statistic that does not bode well for the country’s digital security. The document also highlights Trend Micro’s tireless efforts to secure the global digital ecosystem. In 2022, the company blocked more than 40 million email threats, in addition to 1.6 million malicious URL attacks.

Additionally, more than 3.7 million malware incidents have been stopped, illustrating the diversity and scale of today’s cyber threats. This constant vigilance is a lifeline in a sea of ​​digital threats.

The report further predicts that Trend Micro will stop more than 161 billion threats globally by the end of the year, marking an annual increase of 10%. This figure demonstrates not only the scale of the threat, but also the urgency of strengthening cyber defenses to protect data and critical infrastructure. Cybersecurity, once relegated to the background, is now a major issue in this digital age.

Responsiveness, key to security

Managing Director Africa & Venture Markets at Trend Micro, Asaad Arabi, highlights the importance of responsiveness to cyber threats: “ A cyber breach is not just an isolated incident, but our response can turn a situation into a major crisis. That’s why we must continually adjust and refine our security strategies to keep pace with the rapid evolution of digital threats. “. A statement which reminds us that cybersecurity is a constantly evolving field, where every second counts.

The CEO highlighted Trend Micro’s initiatives to combat global cyber threats, emphasizing that the company helps organizations stay ahead with innovative solutions, including the seamless integration of artificial intelligence. This approach perfectly embodies the saying “ Prevention is better than cure “.

The report reveals how Artificial Intelligence (AI), while making life easier for cybercriminals, eliminates traditional barriers like language and coding skills. In 2023, AI has demonstrated its power in the field of social engineering, automating the analysis of large data sets to unearth actionable insights. An advance that makes the work of cybercriminals not only easier, but even more dangerous.

Generative AI has also transformed phishing, enabling the creation of compelling, error-free messages and frighteningly realistic audio and video deepfakes. These cutting-edge technologies heighten the urgency of strengthening our digital security strategies to counter new threats where cybercriminals leverage the sophisticated capabilities of AI to carry out targeted and deceptive attacks. A reality which requires increased vigilance and constant adaptation of our defenses.

Call for vigilance

Trend Micro’s report is a resounding wake-up call that cybersecurity is not an option, but a vital necessity. The rise of cyber threats calls for constant vigilance and innovation in defense strategies. As cybercriminals use increasingly sophisticated technologies, it is imperative to strengthen security systems to protect critical infrastructure and the most valuable data.

There is no doubt that the battle against cyber threats is far from over, and every day counts in this fierce fight for digital security. May this report serve as a catalyst for global awareness and immediate action, because the digital future of societies depends on it.


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