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Seine-et-Marne: an 11-year-old student attacks his school principal, parents mobilize


Agnes Braik

Published on

June 13, 2024 at 3:42 p.m.

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The director of Elementary school Jean-Jaurès, in Verneuil-l’Etang, in Seine-et-Marne, is on sick leave since his assault by an 11 year old boy, schooled in CM2. The facts allegedly occurred on the morning of Tuesday June 11, 2024, around 8:30 a.m., during the reception of students. According to witnesses of the scene, the director received a large shoulder shot. She wore complaint with the gendarmerie and investigation is open.

According to our information, the alleged perpetrator of the violence has been disrupting his class since the start of the school year. “The other children are afraid of him and his teacher has already been off work, because the situation is very complicated,” reports the parents’ representative, Charlotte Burette. This student regularly insults adults in front of his classmates. We have made several requests to the academic inspectorate but nothing is happening, as we approach the summer holidays! »

“Dead school”

In response to the attack, parents mobilized and organized a day “dead school“, this Thursday, June 13. Only around forty students, out of 280, showed up for class. “At 4:30 p.m. we will organize a guard of honor in support of teachers, and we will renew our movement tomorrow, if nothing happens,” announces Charlotte Burette.

Next to academic inspection, we claim to understand this “legitimate emotion”: “The situation is very complex and the National Education inspector is currently on site to find a solution. He is fully mobilized! »

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