DayFR Euro

How the metropolis of Lyon recreates an agricultural sector on its territory

In the 19th century, Lyon was one of the main horticultural centers in Europe, which helped create its famous gastronomy. Then the city took up almost all the space. Since 2020, the Metropolis has been trying to relaunch an agricultural sector, in order to “relocalize” the food supply of its million and a half inhabitants. It relies on a unique organization, the CRBA, which finds forgotten local varieties and searches throughout the world for seeds likely to adapt to climate change.

In Lyon, the change of century took place on November 27. That day, Bruno Bernard, president of Les Écologues (LE) de la Métropole, began the plenary session with a tribute to Gérard Collomb. He saluted the “builder” that was his predecessor, who had just passed away. Then, during the same session, he presented the draft reform of the Territorial Cohesion Scheme (Scot) whose aim is to “rebalance the territory. »
Because during the last decade, the second of the Collomb era, 900 hectares were urbanized, 90% of which was agricultural land. Today, the Metropolis sees in these still intact cultivated lands “pockets of strategic spaces for tomorrow” and no longer urban “adjustment variables”, estimates Jérémy Camus, vice-president (LE) in charge of agriculture and food.


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