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They save a 14-year-old teenager who was kidnapped and forced into prostitution in an apartment in Charente

Three people were indicted for “sequestration, violence with weapons and pimping”Friday June 7, 2024. They allegedly locked a 14-year-old girl in an apartment in Ruelle-sur-Touvre (Charente), according to information from France Blue La Rochelle confirmed by the public prosecutor of Angoulême, Stéphanie Aouine, at Parisian Wednesday June 12, 2024.

The young girl managed to alert passers-by by slipping onto the terrace of the apartment while her captors were away. She was heard by a municipal councilor who was a few meters from her, explains Charente-Libre . With the help of another witness, he then alerted the police.

A network operating throughout France?

After a “strong” intervention, the injured teenager was able to be rescued. During her hearing, she explained that she thought she had been sequestered for three or four weeks. The three suspects were arrested and taken into custody. The two men were remanded in custody. The woman was released under judicial supervision.

An investigation was opened by the Angoulême public prosecutor’s office. The residents of the building explained that they had never met the young girl who allegedly ran away from home. According to initial information, the teenager is a victim of a network of pimps operating throughout France. She was also allegedly forced into prostitution in the Paris region.


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