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Legislative elections in Pas-de-Calais: Renaissance wants to put Brigitte Bourguignon back in the saddle in the sixth circo

It doesn’t drag. The announcement of the dissolution of the assembly and the organization of new legislative elections at the end of June forces political parties to act very quickly. You must have submitted your application before Sunday June 16 at 6 p.m. It’s a race against time.

In the sixth constituency, we never heard (or almost) another political voice other than that of the existing National Rally deputy, Christine Engrand. So who to run against the outgoing candidate? Brigitte Bourguignon already. “ Given the context and the need to quickly find candidates, I think I am best placed to win this constituencyshe says. I still have relationships with many residents, with a lot of elected officials. And even if I don’t mention it publicly, I try to help many people who ask me. This was particularly the case during the floods. »

“It’s my responsibility”

For the Renaissance party, the former Minister of Health appeared to be the most likely to be able to win this constituency and take it back from the National Rally. “ The party officials contacted me very quickly. Given the context and the urgency, it is my responsibility to go there. We must prevent the National Rally from coming to power. »

If his inauguration was no longer in doubt this Tuesday evening, it now remains for the former holder of the post to rally, beyond his camp. “ I am not sectarian; I will not only be the candidate of Renaissance, but also the one able to represent all the Republican parties wishing to block the extreme right. »

Recover missing support

In this spirit, the candidate spoke with Jean-Claude Leroy, the socialist president of the Department. Two years ago, the latter barely supported the outgoing MP during the legislative elections, undoubtedly to make her pay for having left the Socialist Party to which he is viscerally attached. However, it is obvious that with a little more positive energy around her from the elected officials who count in the constituency, “BB” will have won this election, which she only lost by 56 votes. Two years later, an unexpected opportunity presents itself to rewrite history.


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