DayFR Euro

Yvelines: shooting in front of the hotel high school, a man receives 10 months in prison

As the exams approach, the Guyancourt hotel and tourism high school (Yvelines) experienced a day under pressure on Friday June 7. A fight between several individuals broke out in front of the public establishment, which accommodates 1,400 students, requiring the intervention of police officers from the neighboring Élancourt police station. A shot was even fired into the air by an individual.

On site, witnesses named a former high school student, author of death threats and also carrying an automatic pistol which he used. The individual fled, but his accomplice lies on the ground, stunned by several punches received from the victims who defended themselves.

While this 17-year-old minor was taken to the emergency room by the firefighters, the 19-year-old perpetrator of the shooting was arrested at his home by the police. If the search of the accommodation located in Guyancourt does not allow the handgun to be found, a 9 mm blank cartridge will be picked up at the scene of the brawl. In the evening, the accomplice was finally arrested when he left the hospital.

The two defendants already released a week earlier

The various hearings of witnesses and victims challenged the contradictory versions defended by the two defendants. In the end, it seems that the main aggressor came to settle scores linked to an obscure dispute.

Except that our two individuals were not at their first attempt. Brought before the Versailles court the previous week for acts of aggravated extortion, they were already under judicial supervision with a ban on… making contact. They had been left free pending this first judgment. But they were caught by the courts.

Tried in immediate appearance “for threats and violence with a weapon”, the main defendant was sentenced to 10 months in prison. As a foreigner, he is also subject to a permanent ban on French territory (ITF). Presented to a children’s judge, his young accomplice was released pending trial.


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