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France: The Jewish Community Denounces an “Infamous Agreement” After the Association of Left Parties With LFI

Representatives of the Jewish community of France have condemned the association of left-wing parties with LFI, accused of anti-Semitism, for the next legislative elections on June 20. This grouping has been described as an “infamous agreement”, “Nupes bis” or even a “shame”. This alliance was also denounced by non-Jewish figures. However, according to Opinion, Raphaël Glucksmann’s entourage announces its intention to leave discussions on the constitution of a “Popular Front” as of this Tuesday morning if there is total alignment with the positions of LFI. “Union cannot be achieved at the cost of renouncing principles and we have made clear points,” Glucksmann himself tweeted Tuesday morning.

“Anti-Semitism is obviously not an issue important enough to give up an electoral alliance and a few seats,” regretted the president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif), Yonathan Arfi on X. “Those who will accept to run under its colors will bear the responsibility before History. There is still time to return to this infamous agreement.

“Popular Front, 1936: republican alliance against anti-Semitism. Popular Front, 2024: shameful alliance with anti-Semitism,” said the Union of Jewish Students of France (UEJF). “What indignity! The socialist party’s lentil dish is an alliance with a pro Hamas party. In fact, the Popular Front is rather the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine!”, for his part tweeted the president of the United Jewish Social Fund (FSJU) Ariel Goldmann. For the Collectif Nous Vivrons, founded after October 7, “this agreement is a shame” because “the fight against the RN does not justify any alliance with anti-Semites”.

“We don’t ‘Front’ against an extreme by allying with an Extreme. It’s like fighting fire with gasoline,” said novelist Tristane Banon. The comedian Sophia Aram said: “Those who explain to us that we are not going to ‘nitpick with LFI when the situation is serious’… are the same for whom ‘the situation is never serious enough when it rings for the Jews.’

In the other camp, Marine Le Pen announced this Tuesday a possible alliance of the RN with the Republicans to counter the new “Popular Front”, an alliance which has just been confirmed by the President of the Republicans Eric Ciotti.


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