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The wind project is stopped in Bagnac-sur-Célé, near Figeac


Editorial Cahors

Published on

June 11, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

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Monday June 3, 2024, residents of Bagnac-sur-Célénear Figeac, and surrounding areas mobilized against the proposed wind farm in the municipality. There company VSB Énergies Nouvelles decided to stop the project.

The opponents go to the town hall of Bagnac-sur-Célé

Monday, June 3, 60 Bagnac residents met in front of the town hall to give the mayor and his deputies a letter asking to explain the project for a wind farm in the town. “The project was voted on in 2022 without consultation with the population. It does not only affect the population of Bagnac, but all the surrounding communities, Montredon, Linac, Le Trioulou, Felzins, Saint-Jean-Mirabel…” The municipality was asked to retract, otherwise other industrial action would take place. “We love our village and our countryside, let’s preserve them. »

The next day, Tuesday June 4, following the demonstration, the company VSB Énergies Nouvelles decided to stop its project. The planned public service did not take place, as did the installation of the measuring mast. The company VSB Énergies Nouvelles, concerned about living well together around its facilities, did not hesitate for a second to withdraw its project.

Sébastien CASES

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