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European 2024. Five communes of Haute-Garonne gave no vote to Jordan Bardella’s RN


David Saint-Sernin

Published on

June 11, 2024 at 11:15 a.m.

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For the first time in history, the National Rally came first in an election in Haute-Garonne, Sunday June 9, 2024, on the evening of the European elections.

The list led by Jordan Bardella gathered 25.47% of the votes in our department.

A Bardella tsunami in many municipalities

Rooted for years in certain communes of Muretain and Frontonnais, the far-right party gathered more than 45% of the vote in many towns. And more than 50% in eight communes of Haute-Garonne.

It is at Molas, a small town of 171 inhabitants that the RN candidate gathered the most votes with 58.82%.

In these municipalities, zero votes for Jordan Bardella

Conversely, in five communes of Haute-Garonne, no vote was given to Jordan Bardella.

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The five communes of Haute-Garonne where the Jordan Bardella vote was non-existent are as follows: Baren, Cathervielle, Saccourvielle, Jurvielle, Caubous.

These are, in each case, small rural communes which have the particularity of being located in the same geographical sector: in Comminges, and more particularly in Luchonnais.

Cathervielle, Saccourvielle, Jurvielle and Caubous are only separated by a few kilometers. Baren is located upstream of Luchon.

For whom these municipalities voted

In Baren, small town of 15 inhabitants, out of 6 voters, 2 voted for Valérie Hayer, 2 for Raphaël Glucksmann and 2 for Jean Lassalle who achieved his best scores in Pyrenean towns.

HAS Jurvielle (39 registered), the lists of Jean Lassalle and Raphaël Glucksmann both came in first with 36.36% of the votes cast among the 39 registered on the electoral lists.

HAS Caubous, the 4 voters (out of 7 registered) chose different candidates: Manon Aubry, Léon Deffontaines, Raphaël Glucksmann and François-Xavier Bellamy.

Raphaël Glucksmann came first in Cathervielle where 23 people voted. He also received 53.33% of the votes in Saccourvielle.

These municipalities are also among the least populated municipalities in France.


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