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work on the Top will start in September

CULTURE / The Banque des Territoires has granted its loan, within three months the former cinema of Digne les Bains will be transformed into a third cultural venue with an opening planned for 2026

– Alpes de Haute Provence –

The work on the Top, the top will be given in September. This is the good news that came at the end of last week, the loan of 800,000 euros requested from the Banque des Territoires was granted, the town hall of Digne les Bains as well as the Department of Alpes de Haute-Provence are now requested to provide a guarantee deposit. Within three months, the former Dignois cinema will be transformed to become a cultural third place for the opening of the place in the first half of 2026.

Before the work, a festival

Until then, the volunteers of the “Le Top” collective are giving their all, it’s the final stretch before the “Au Top” festival on July 6 in Digne les Bains.

7th edition of this meeting at Parc Louis Jouvet to celebrate summer. “ We can say that the top festival this year is particularly collaborative since there are really lots of partners around us, notably the René Char theater which comes to close its season at the park », explains Claire Navion, responsible for communications. The group Shakshuka will perform.

Then we will discover an artist who is totally on the emerging scene: Voyou, a French artist between slam, poetry, rap and pop. He filled an Olympia.”

Yuksek will then follow on stage, “ undisputed player on the electro scene for years and he will give us the pleasure of coming to show us his latest album influenced by Brazilian music “.

Finally, the stage will close with Lulu Van Trapp, a pop rock group. and almost even with punk influences which in my opinion will overturn the top scene, it will suit us, it will blow our minds! “.

The “Au Top” festival, which bridges with the second edition of the “Hot Bléone Festival”, will be the next day at Javie. The Que Tengo group will therefore perform on the two lower Alpine stages.

Mr. Bonnefoy


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