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with a first thriller written at 57, Gilles Bouvry moves from air conditioning to detective novels

Since his signing session in August at Culture, in the ZAC of Ther de Gilles Bouvry receives a lot of positive feedback on his first novel, Lost chords “Head lost”released last March. However, he only started writing at the beginning of 2023… and at 57 years old.

“I'm not a big reader but I've always admired the authors, wondering how they managed to have all these ideas and transcribe them”confides this sales director specializing in air conditioning.

“This detective novel reads like a series”

A job that led him to travel a lot and meet artists, for example, in among others. This is where these inspirations come from.

“I wrote this novel in four months and between my construction site meetings, or in cafes, station halls… Always in public places because life is a fountain of youth, smiles the one who is approaching retirement. I take great pleasure in doing it because I finally dared to put my ideas down on a blank sheet of paper, managing to overcome my doubts and my modesty, after several years of reflection. »

Although many women are highlighted in this book, the cover of Gilles Bouvry's first published work is a drawing by his daughter.

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If we find places in Paris, the history of'Lost chords “Head lost” also makes appearances in Oise (in Chantilly and Lamorlaye) because this is now the department in which he resides in addition to Picardy being his country “of blood”his father being from Aisne and his mother from the North. There is even a passage in Ireland, a country to which Gilles Bouvry has a particular attachment since his son lived there.

The second novel is already written

Under his pen name which is Gil Gajean (in homage to his parents who were called Gabrielle and Jean), this author tells the story of Gabriel, an attractive Parisian entrepreneur who will see his life turned upside down in the infernal tornado of an investigation criminal by becoming a member of “First Lady”, the most select, most secret and most expensive of libertine dating agencies in which only women hold the power.

From love to truth, to death, “it reads like a series, slips Gilles Bouvry. Some read it in one evening. » They will soon be able to have his second work in hand because it is already in the reading committee.

His book was published by Éditions du Lys Bleu and is available on all known online platforms: Fnac, Amazon, Cultura…


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