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Murder with a drill in a Paris apartment: heavy sentence for the accused


Antoine Blanchet

Published on

June 7, 2024 at 8:43 p.m.

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An ultraviolent crime, and still many gray areas. This Friday June 7, 2024, Xueli D., 43 years old, was sentenced to 14 years of criminal imprisonment for having killed a man with a drill in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. The motive would be linked to a suspicion of adultery.

A hint of adultery

The events took place on September 23, 2020. The accused, a home telephone repairer, was seen arriving at his apartment located rue de l’Ourcq a man in his thirties, a Chinese national like him. Quickly, a fight breaks out, because the unwanted guest suspects the accused of having a relationship with his wife.

Video of murder released

The blows rain, and finally, the accused gains the upper hand. Armed with a drill, he deals several blows to his opponent, who collapses. Strange action, Xueli D. sends a video of his dying victim to his partner. These few seconds of horror are relayed en masse on the Chinese social network Wechat.

Tried for three days, the accused explained that he had acted to defend himself and that he did not want the victim to die. The attorney general requested a sentence of 21 years in prison. The jurors ultimately went in favor of the requisitions.

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