The story tells the beginning of life of a very young adult “Totone” who spends most of his time drinking beers and going to the dance halls of the Jura with his group of friends.
But reality catches up with him when he has to take care of his 7-year-old sister and find a way to earn a living. He then sets out to make the best county in the region, the one with which he aims to win the gold medal in the agricultural competition and the 30,000 euros prize that goes with it…
A bittersweet comedy, which points out the numerous turpitudes faced by many young people in rural areas… But also the benevolence of the local relationships in the villages of our department.
Without obscuring this famous emotional modesty which masks many existential fragilities. A touching and relatable work. Made in Jura…
Official theatrical release on December 11.
Meeting with the director
At the end of the screening, Louise Courvoisier spoke with the audience. Indicating that she was mainly inspired by her childhood to build the script and then direct the film. But first, why “Twenty Gods”?
“Because it’s an expression used a lot by young people here. Who talks about them and their way of living” indicates the director from Cressia, legitimately proud of “looking like her product”. Societal observation of a “rough but authentic” rurality.
Twenty Gods has won numerous awards, such as the Youth Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, or the Prix Jean Vigo.
Which is a notable reward for a film whose “wild” casting took place around comics, agricultural high schools, or stock car races.
Definitely authentic!
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