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“If you refuse it’s a €400 fine”: after children become unwell in the Marne, telephone canvassers try to scam residents

the essential
A few days after the unexplained discomfort of around a hundred school students in Fère-Champenoise (Marne), air quality analyzes are still in progress. A boon for scammers, who take advantage of the situation to try to “conduct surveys” of individuals.

This is a story that the town of Fère-Champenoise (Marne) would have done well without. While air tests are still underway, scammers are contacting residents to take measurements at home. A well-established scam.

Research continues to try to determine what could have caused unexplained discomfort in nearly a hundred students and adults between May 30 and June 3. Monitoring sensors are expected in the coming days, in order to study the gases present in the air of several streets in the town, details The union. Analyzes which absolutely do not concern individuals in the town and its surroundings.

Read also :
Carbon monoxide poisoning: what is happening in this school where around twenty students and adults suffered three episodes in a few days

Calls “in the name of the town hall”

However, unscrupulous canvassers are already taking advantage of residents’ fears to contact them. On the phone, they claim to work for companies measuring air quality mandated by the town hall. They try to sell devices and threaten residents who refuse their services with fines: “They called my neighbor, and if you refuse it’s a €400 fine,” says a local resident on Facebook.

“The municipality has not ordered any service to monitor air quality among residents,” says Mayor Gérard Gorisse. The municipality wishes to warn against this opportunistic scam.

Only Atmo (the air monitoring service) is authorized to carry out measurements. For the moment, specifies the Marne prefecture, “no recommendations” towards the population are currently requested.


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