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in Indre, young people perpetuate the memory at the Château de Valençay

Amid the white hair and military outfits, they stood out somewhat, Thursday June 6, in the courtyard of the Château de Valençay, on the occasion of the commemorative ceremony for the 80th anniversary of the Landing in Normandy. Eleven of the forty-four young elected representatives of the departmental council of college students each had the honor of taking the microphone in turn after Marc Fleuret, president of the Department, to tell the audience about the unfolding events of that day of June 6, 1944 which changed the course of history.

“Almost as many soldiers killed that day as schoolchildren in Indre…”

The result of an afternoon of work in March at Château Raoul for these students, elected in 5e and now in 4e. “After watching a documentary, they worked in four groups on a common text”, says Virginie Élion, vice-president of the Department in charge of education. The opportunity to get a little head start on the school curriculum – this page of history being studied in 3e – and to put these events into perspective.

The young elected representatives of the departmental council of middle school students had the honor of taking turns taking the microphone after Marc Fleuret, president of the Department, to tell the audience about the events of June 6, 1944.
© (Photo NR, Jean-Sébastien Le Berre)

“There were 10,000 soldiers killed that day… Realize it, that’s almost the total number of college students in Indre! » calls out Mathilde, from the Frédéric-Chopin college in Aigurande. “I was surprised at the number of parameters they had to take into account to carry out their attackcomments his comrade Mathieu. I didn’t think the strategy was so advanced! »

Panels recalling the Resistance fights in Indre

After their story in several voices and without any stammering, these young people also participated in the rest of the ceremony by leaving, in the center of the courtyard, panels recalling the main Resistance battles which took place in Indre: the capture of the Éguzon dam on July 26, 1944, the battle of Écueillé on August 25, 1944, the fire of Sainte-Gemme on August 30, 1944, etc. They then accompanied the personalities responsible for placing twelve wreaths of flowers at the foot of these panels. There too, without any false note.

Faustine, Aubin, Mathilde, Florian, Camille, Lucas, Nathan, Jessy, Mathieu, Cameron and Léna, elected to the departmental council of middle school students, with Virginie Élion, vice-president of the Department in charge of education, and Nathalie Corbeau, president of the education commission.
© (Photo NR, Jean-Sébastien Le Berre)

” To conclude, says Mathieu, we mean, by coded message: “The bird spread its wings and took flight”, which means “Thank you to all those who fought for our freedom”. »


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