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In Charente, a father convicted of shaken baby syndrome – Angers Info

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The court recently issued a verdict regarding a case of shaken baby syndrome. The little victim, aged seven months at the time of the events, presented worrying symptoms. After an in-depth investigation, the court found that only the father could be responsible for the violence noted.

According to La Charente Libre, the violence was highlighted on specific dates, which led the court to conclude that “the culprit can only be one of the two parents”. Exchanges with the childminder also played a key role in the accusation. She said that “the culprit can only be you”, referring to the father.

The Reaction in Audience and the Verdict

On the stand, the father, now 42 years old, firmly denied having shaken his baby on October 22, 2020, before leaving him with the nanny in Chazelles (Charente). The childminder described the child as a “rag doll” who convulsed during the day, requiring emergency hospitalization with a life-threatening prognosis.

Medical experts detected two subdural hematomas, dating back to the summer and October 2020, suggesting shaken baby syndrome. The court ruled, in its deliberations delivered this Tuesday, that the father had shaken his daughter well and handed down a two-year prison sentence, fully suspended.

Consequences and Family Reintegration

After the incident, the child was placed in safety for a few weeks before being reunited with her family. Today, the father has regained the right to take care of his daughter. Given the age of the facts and the current situation, the court did not consider it necessary to withdraw parental authority from the father.


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