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Budget 2025: “Worried”, the Charente-Maritime department is counting on the support of parliamentarians

These three parliamentarians point it out bluntly: they support the current government led by Michel Barnier. The deputy Christophe Plassard (Horizons) and the senators (LR) Corinne Imbert and Daniel Laurent nevertheless share the “concerns” of the president of the Charente-Maritime department Sylvie Marcilly (DVD) regarding budget cuts which could seriously penalize public authorities .

During a joint press conference organized this Monday in , at the headquarters of the departmental council, these four elected officials presented a united front to denounce the impact of the finance bill imagined by the government. In 2025, regions, departments and municipalities could be required to “participate in the budgetary effort” to the tune of 5 billion euros. That is, according to Sylvie Marcilly's calculations, an envelope of almost 27 million euros less for Charente-Maritime alone.

To avoid such bloodletting and the painful arbitrations that would surely follow, the elected representative hopes to benefit from the relay of these parliamentarians and unwavering support of the departmental majority. “Communities are not the main responsible for the financial situation. We must make a collective effort, but this effort must be fair,” said Senator Corinne Imbert, who is also vice-president of the departmental council.

“In the Senate, we are a little angry. We have alerted the government for several years. We will study all the possibilities available to us to rectify the situation,” promises Senator Daniel Laurent. MP Christophe Plassard calls for arbitrating “between good and bad spending” and favoring investments for the future.

To try to influence this budgetary battle, Sylvie Marcilly is defending a measure outlined in a motion unanimously adopted by the departmental council on October 18. The various right-wing elected official would like to see the rate of transfer duties for valuable consideration (DMTO) increased from 4.5 to 5%. This “half point” applied to real estate sales could usefully replenish the coffers of the departments, gauges Sylvie Marcilly, evoking “a collective contribution to the effort” and “departmental solidarity”.

Christophe Plassard, Corinne Imbert and Daniel Laurent should carry this grievance and many others to the National Assembly and the Senate where the budget is currently being debated. “It is important to reassure the Charentais-Maritimes,” underlines Sylvie Marcilly, “the parliamentarians are working in their interest. »


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