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Iraqi terrorist opposes deportation for fear of being “executed” on his return –

Swiss authorities plan to deport an Iraqi terrorist, but he opposes his expulsion because he fears reprisals. Currently detained in Sion, the disabled man is a jihadist convicted in 2016 by the Federal Criminal Court.

Eight years after his conviction, this sympathizer of the Islamic State group was finally incarcerated at the beginning of September in the Sion deportation center. Switzerland believes it can now expel the former asylum seeker to Iraq, his country of origin, because Fedpol has revised its analysis.

According to the weekly Schaffhauser AZ, which was able to consult the decision of the federal police, there would no longer be a “real risk” that this Iraqi would be arrested or suffer reprisals in his country.

“Members of the Islamic State are executed”

After serving his sentence, the man – who lived on welfare in an apartment building in Schaffhausen – had embarrassed the authorities for years. As Switzerland considered that it could not expel him, the canton had to take measures to monitor him.

Interviewed in his cell by the German-speaking newspaper, the 38-year-old Iraqi appealed against his expulsion, with the argument that “in Iraq, members of the Islamic State are executed”.

“It was high time” according to Mauro Poggia

But for State Councilor Mauro Poggia (MCG/GE), it was high time that the law was applied to a man who, according to him, continued to represent a risk for Switzerland. “If we have to be sensitive to situations, it is certainly not this one,” he indicated on 7:30 p.m. on Friday, because “he made the choice to join a terrorist movement which deliberately accepts to kill innocent people.”

This decision comes as more and more voices are calling, in Switzerland and abroad, to toughen asylum policy. Two weeks ago, Switzerland already expelled two other criminals via Turkey to Afghanistan, a country which, like Iraq, was previously considered too dangerous to carry out expulsions.

Jean-Marc Heuberger / juma



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