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Ibrahim Aqrash calls on Hajar Raissouni to clarify the truth about Aaras’ allegations

Former detainee in terrorism cases, Ibrahim Aqrash, sent on Saturday, in a video, an appeal to Hajar Raissouni for a meeting in the country of his choice, expressing his desire also for a discussion with Ali Aaras, to reveal the whole truth about Aaras’ arrest and torture

Ibrahim Aqrash, former detainee in terrorism cases, published a new video on YouTube on Saturday in which he asks Hajar Raissouni to meet him in the country of his choice to shed light on the alleged torture case of Ali Aaras during his arrest.

In the video, Aqrash is also ready to chat with Aaras himself.

He begins the recording by saying: “With you, his brother Ibrahim Aqrash arrested for terrorism. I published the first and second videos to refute and expose the lies of the accused Aqrash. I published this short video to appeal to Hajar Raissouni who received the arrested brother Aqrash and conducted an interview with him.”

He then calls him for a face-to-face meeting “I am calling him from here to ask him, if he can, to receive me to know the whole truth, the whole reality of Ali Aaras. I tell him that you gave Ali Aaras two hours, and I tell him only give me one hour, only give me twenty minutes, give me thirty minutes and during this time you will know the whole truth about the detainee Ali Aaras “.

Aqrash is ready to organize the meeting in any country: “I am ready to go wherever you want. I am currently in Belgium, if you want in Spain, in or wherever you want, in Arabic, in Tamazight and with any journalist, with any channel, I am completely ready to talk to you.”

He insists in the recording on his intention to shed light on the Aaras affair with himself: “With this message, I greet you and ask you if you can receive me to know the whole reality of the detainee. I am ready to speak and if he wants to respond to my invitation, I am here and if he wants me to challenge him, I can challenge him through a debate with him to know the whole reality of the inmate Ali Aaras and his lies insha’Allah.”

He concludes by repeating once again the objective of the video which is to clarify the whole truth about Aaras: “This is the reason why I came out in this video, to clarify and convey the message to Sister Hajar Raissouni to listen to me like she did with Ali Aaras and know the reality and also let the public know the truth of the torture video and everything about Ali Aaras. That’s why I was featured in this video.”


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