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What are the ways to get out of capitalism on land?

Tanguy Martin is an agronomist and advocacy officer for the Terre de lien structure. He is an activist in the Land Retake and For Social Food Security collectives.

If in his work he explores practical alternatives to the capitalist agricultural model, it is not only a question of outlining virtuous models, but above all of reminding that they must be made “ accessible, desirable to a larger social bloc bringing together people with very diverse ways of being in the world, but aspiring to societies based on autonomy, equality and harmonious and joyful participation in life. » (Cultivate the commons)

For Tanguy Martin, the agricultural and peasant question is widely appropriated among the population as shown by the success of books or films that address it. Yet, he notes, “ the subject remains largely to be politicized. We must work to reveal the importance of capitalism in the land disorders that we deplore and mobilize anti-capitalist criticism and theories of the commons. »

Tanguy Martin will be present to discuss these questions on Saturday November 16 at 5 p.m. This discussion is part of the continuation of the spring presentations on agricultural movements. Everyone is welcome. The discussion is followed by an aperitif to which you can contribute by bringing something to eat or drink.



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