DayFR Euro

. Who is municipal mutual insurance for?

The City is launching its municipal solidarity mutual to facilitate access to care for the most vulnerable. A public meeting is planned for December.

During the last municipal council, the establishment of a so-called ‘communal’ mutual fund was discussed. This local and solidarity project, presented by Céline Brasseur, family and solidarity assistant, is the initiative of the City. The population was previously surveyed via questionnaires in paper and virtual format (on the city of website).

Of the 759 returns, 744 households responded that they already had mutual insurance, but perhaps less advantageous than the one that could see the light of day. Two thirds of those surveyed were retirees. The town hall therefore knows that this project is expected.

The importance of the project

Access to care constitutes a real issue, many people in precarious situations are in difficulty with these health issues.

Some Chaumont residents simply do not have the means to subscribe to mutual insurance while others, faced with this precariousness, are pushed to give up seeking treatment. […]

Find the full article in our October 18 edition, on newsstands or in our online store.


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