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this housing estate has been waiting for lighting for 40 years and worries mothers


Editorial Saint-Malo

Published on

Oct 19, 2024 at 6:57 p.m.

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Located in the town of Tronchet, near Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine), the Domaine du subdivision belongs to a private owner, Emmanuel Thoreux (director of the company Terres et Projets which markets the subdivision).

Created 40 years ago

Created almost 40 years ago, in 1985, in a very green environment, it has lighting terminals and street lamps “which have never been put into service”, notes Nolwenn, originally, with another resident, of a petition.

This is not about putting the owner of the housing estate or the town hall on trial, but I have a daughter who goes to school and I would be sorry if anything happened to her. We pay our property taxes like everyone else, and I think that when it comes to the safety of children, there are priorities.

And to worry, “what if a tragedy occurs, who would be responsible?” »

“This concerns the safety of children”

A petition launched on Wednesday October 2, 2024, which had already, last week, collected more than 115 signatures and 2,500 views. It was posted online by two residents of the Domaine du Golf housing estate for the attention of the mayor and Emmanuel Thoreux.

Videos: currently on Actu

They wish to “mobilize on a subject that everyone is talking about, security linked to public lighting which does not exist in our neighborhood”.

Mothers of young teenage girls, they fear for the safety of their children and their own.

As winter approaches, we must, every morning and evening, let our children walk in the street without being able to ensure that they are safe.

The two petitioners understand “the legal constraints” imposed on the mayor and Emmanuel Thoreux “on the subject linked to our status as a private subdivision. However, it is in everyone’s interest to obtain this lighting in order to secure the housing estate which finds itself in total darkness every night.”

The lack of lighting “is a real danger”.

They remind us that this lack of lighting also concerns “citizens who go to and from work, walkers or athletes who cross the premises. This represents a real danger for all of us, residents of the subdivision and the municipality and users of the road. Risks of accident, injury, fall, encounter with wild animals.”

The lack of light “could also prevent emergency services from finding their way and intervening quickly in the event of an emergency, which could unfortunately put lives in danger”.

The petition recalls the legislation of the Local Authorities Code. “We hope that a sustainable solution will be quickly found by connecting existing equipment to the municipal electricity network, or by installing solar terminals.”

The mayor refers to the owner

It is a private housing estate. There has never been any retrocession to the municipality because the work was never completed and is not completed to this day, such as the sidewalks, sanitation, green spaces. The lighting was never actually connected.

The mayor of Tronchet Pascal Briand

According to the elected official, “it is no longer compliant and is partially destroyed. But when a person moves into this subdivision, we systematically inform them of the situation. The residents’ only solution is to turn to Emmanuel Thoreux, the owner of the subdivision, to win their case and perhaps consider legal action so that he completes the work.

The owner explains

Emmanuel Thoreux argues that “the lighting cannot be put into service until the subdivision has been handed over to an ASL or to the municipality”.
He specifies: “There is, to my knowledge, no retrocession agreement with the municipality of Tronchet”.
Furthermore, he mentions, “an ASL has been filed and published at the prefecture more than ten years ago. But for the ASL to be active, it is necessary to hold a first general assembly, which has never been done until now.”
Today, the owner of the subdivision specifies: “We are working on this file. But all the conditions for transmitting the file to the ASL have not been finalized. They will be at the end of the year or at best in the first quarter of 2025 so that the first general assembly of the ASL can be held in order to be able to make the retrocession. »

It also specifies that in the legislative framework, “the subdivision must first be transferred to an ASL (Free Trade Union Association of Owners) and that then, it is the latter which can transfer it back to the municipality if everything is in order. compliance. We cannot commit funding for a private development which does not concern the municipality and make the people of Tronchet pay for it.”

From our correspondent Gérard SIMONIN

Petition on public lighting in the golf estate subdivision.

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