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To save money, this department sells the real estate it does not occupy, including the prefecture, on Leboncoin

In response to the savings of 5 billion euros planned by the 2025 finance bill, largely supported (2.2 billion euros) by the Departments, the President of Haute- announced Friday afternoon to implement sale “everything that belongs to us and that we do not occupy” and firstly the prefecture and sub-prefectures.

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It was a shock announcement that was made on Friday October 18 by the president of Les Républicains of the Haute-Marne Departmental Council. While the government led by Michel Barnier plans to make 5 billion euros in savings in 2025, including an effort of 2.2 billion requested from the Departments, Nicolas Lacroix announced the sale of several buildings owned by the institution that he presides.

I suggest you sell everything that belongs to us and that we do not occupy, first of all the prefecture“, heard the departmental councilors meeting in a permanent committee on October 18.”I also suggest that you sell the two sub-prefectures. We have been housing sub-prefects without rent for too long“, added Nicolas Lacroix.

I suggest you sell the prefecture. I also suggest that you sell the two sub-prefectures. We have been housing sub-prefects rent-free for too long.

Nicolas Lacroix, president of the Departmental Council of Haute-Marne

The President of the Haute-Marne Department warned of the threat that the finance bill poses to the Departmental Councils. “More than 80 Departments will be in difficulty in 2025“, he recalled, emphasizing that Haute-Marne is not spared from belt tightening. “The announcement made as part of the PLF would cost the Department of Haute-Marne 7.5 million euros. 7.5 million euros that we would not have from the 2025 budget […] This is obviously untenable“, continued the elected official.

Nicolas Lacroix and his teams therefore made an estimate of the amount that the sale of real estate could bring in. “We must find 50 million euros in the coming years“, he said, adding “when the State no longer respects us, we have to find solutions“The solution is therefore to also put it on sale.”the courthouse, the judicial tribunal, the residence where the secretary general of the prefecture is housed in , the gendarmerie of Chaumont, the gendarmerie of Bologna, that of Chalindrey, Saint-Dizier, Joinville, Nogent, Châteauvillain“, listed the President of Haute-Marne.

When the State no longer respects us, we have to find solutions.

Nicolas Lacroix

president of the departmental council of Haute-Marne

Aware that “the current government inherits a disastrous situation after seven years of uninhibited whatever it takes“, Nicolas Lacroix refuses that local authorities be “designated as the culprits of state abuses“The public deficit could reach 6.2% of GDP in 2025,”i.e. 50 billion difference compared to the forecasts of the previous government“, recalled Nicolas Lacroix in his presentation. “Departments […] are undergoing historic asphyxiation desired by the State, resulting in the impossibility for many departments to meet their obligations and the risk of finding themselves in default of payments by the end of December.

The sale of this real estate heritage on the Le Bon Coin site is above all a symbolic measure initiated by several department presidents in recent days. “Some will think that it is communication, it is a bit because you have to provoke the electroshock“, justified Nicolas Lacroix for whom “weakening our departments means weakening our territories“.


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