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The appointment by HM the King of new ambassadors, a proactive Royal Will to devote the defense of the supreme interests of Morocco (Cherkaoui Roudani)

Friday, October 18, 2024 at 11:48 p.m.

Rabat – The appointment by HM King Mohammed VI of new ambassadors constitutes a substantial diplomatic movement which reflects a proactive Royal Will in the face of the contemporary challenges facing Morocco, in particular for the defense of its strategic and supreme interests, affirmed the political scientist Cherkaoui Roudani.

“His Majesty the King was kind enough to appoint 13 new Ambassadors, making this movement part of a renewed and strengthened diplomatic governance strategy,” underlined Mr. Roudani in a statement to MAP, adding that these appointments affect friendly and partner countries of the Kingdom.

For the expert in geostrategy and security, this movement of ambassadors comes in a national context marked by the Royal Speech of October 11 before Parliament, in which His Majesty the King gave new impetus and strategic directions to the action diplomatic, by insisting on the mobilization of all instruments of Moroccan diplomacy (institutional, partisan or parliamentary) with a view to strengthening the position of the Kingdom in the face of global geopolitical issues.

In fact, if the last movement of the Ambassadors, in October 2023, had targeted traditional strategic partners of the Kingdom such as the United States, , China or even Egypt and Jordan, the current movement concerns others important countries in the Kingdom’s neighborhood, said Mr. Roudani.

“Five new Ambassadors are now stationed in African countries, thus strengthening the presence and influence of Morocco on the continent, a central pillar of Moroccan foreign policy under the leadership of His Majesty the King,” he said. explained, noting that four other Ambassadors were appointed to Europe, a strategic continent for Morocco’s economic and political exchanges, while three new diplomats were appointed to Asia, and another to the Caribbean, thus marking the Kingdom’s commitment to diversify its partnerships.

Regarding the profiles of the appointed Ambassadors, this movement is distinguished by the injection of “new blood”, with 11 new diplomats accessing this high function for the first time, he noted, specifying that this approach demonstrates the Royal desire to modernize and energize the diplomatic apparatus, by bringing innovative perspectives and new energy to the representation of the Kingdom abroad.

And Mr. Roudani concluded that the appointment of new Ambassadors embodies a Royal Diplomacy based on proactivity and firmness in the face of a constantly changing world where Morocco, under the leadership of HM the King, adapts its diplomatic governance to meet the challenges strategic, strengthen its alliances and defend its supreme interests with rigor and innovation.


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