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Hunting: lieutenants of louveteries are wanted in the Lot

the essential
In the Lot, the prefecture is launching a call for applications to recruit louveterie lieutenants for the districts of Puy-l’Évêque, Latronquière, Lacapelle-Marival, Martel and Sousceyrac-en-Quercy.

Wanted wolf lieutenant. The prefecture is launching a call for applications to fill this type of position. Louveterie lieutenants are entirely voluntary state agents sworn in for this function. They are appointed to a district (the Lot currently has 27) by the prefect to decanton or regulate specimens of wild fauna or domestic animals responsible for damage or threats to public safety and health. They may be asked to participate in operations concerning wolves.

Louveterie lieutenants are also technical advisors to the administration on wildlife management. The constituencies to be filled are: Puy-l’Évêque, Latronquière (alternate), Lacapelle-Marival, Martel as well as Sousceyrac-en-Quercy.

Have a hunting license for at least five years

Some criteria are required to carry out these missions: êbe under 75 years old, be of French nationality, Ienjoy his civil rights, have held a hunting license for at least five years, rreside in the Lot department or a neighboring canton, demonstrate physical fitness compatible with the duties of lieutenant of louveterie; and finally,engage the ability to instantly mobilize, either at least four hounds in the path of the wild boar or fox, or at least two digging dogs.

In addition to these conditions, the selection criteria are mainly based on knowledge of the terrain, hunting knowledge and the availability of the candidate.

Successful candidates will be visited at home for a kennel check and knowledge assessment. Recruitment will be subject to the opinion of the departmental group led by the departmental director of territories and composed of representatives of the departmental federation of hunters, the French biodiversity office and the agricultural and forestry professions.

Applications must be sent by post to: departmental territorial management (environmental service) Cité administrative – 127 Quai Cavaignac – 46009 Cahors Cedex 9 before November 15, 2024. (postmark taken as proof). The application form is available via the following link: Any additional information can be obtained from the hunting unit of the departmental direction of the Lot territories at 05 65 23 62 29.


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