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The bickering of the CPME des Hautes-Alpes ends in court

Sylvie Galéa, the president of the employers’ organization, is put in difficulty by other administrators and a recent court decision. The entrepreneur from Vars does not intend to let this happen. She filed a complaint last August for “identity theft” and formally contests the legality of the board of directors which led to her dismissal.

The rag is burning and the breaking point seems to have been reached within the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Hautes-Alpes (CPME 05). In a judgment rendered at the beginning of the week, the court officially rejected the requests of its president Sylvie Galéa, BFM DICI learned from consistent sources.

Since this summer, the entrepreneur from Vars has contested the holding of a board of directors who voted for her dismissal. Following this decision dated July 2, she decided to take legal action.

“We can speak of a putsch since the administrators present had no legitimacy to lead this council. We will appeal this court decision. I have the approval of the CPME and the regional and national support. I am and therefore remain the president of CPME 05″ Sylvie Galéa told BFM DICI this Thursday.

At the origin of this dispute which ends in court, there is a latent conflict between several members who are definitely no longer on the same line or in the same camp: those who want to remain separated from UPE 05 (Union for Businesses) and others who want to make common cause again.

A general meeting canceled by the court

On April 14, 2023, CPME 05, under the leadership of Sylvie Galéa, informed UPE 05 that it was ceasing all contractual relations between the two entities.

“Historically, the UPE is the addition of Medef and CPME. Galéa wanted to stand apart and that had consequences,” contextualizes a Gapence source who follows these disagreements closely.

A month before this schism in local entrepreneurial life, CPME 05 had held an ordinary general meeting during which a third of the directors had been renewed. An assembly contested internally since members would not have been invited to this crucial meeting for the future of the employers’ organization.

“There were only 120 members out of 600, so it didn’t hold water” specifies a source close to UPE 05.

The court was taken by administrators opposed to the choice of Sylvie Galéa and, in the spring of 2024, the Gap judicial court ruled in favor of the protesters by canceling the general meeting of March 2023. Exhilarated by this “victory”, administrators of CPME 05, led by Pierre-Louis Rougny, have decided to convene a board of directors meeting at the beginning of July. Invited, Sylvie Galéa did not show up. That day, the administrators marked the end of the Galéa era and in fact initiated a new rapprochement with UPE 05. It is this board of directors that Sylvie Galéa is contesting in court.

A complaint filed by Sylvie Galéa

At the beginning of August, she filed a complaint with the Embrun gendarmerie for identity theft, in this case that of CPME 05. Sylvie Galéa’s entourage believes that Pierre-Louis Rougny had no legitimacy to summon the administrators using the heading CPME 05 and an email address different from that traditionally used by the office.

For the president, the agenda was imprecise and not respected. Clearly, several directors, including Pierre-Louis Rougny, did not, according to Sylvie Galéa, have the possibility of leading this council. Proof that she gives no credit to her rebellious administrators, Sylvie Galéa led an ordinary general meeting on July 5. As if the board meeting that was held three days earlier had never existed.

“During this AGM, the entire council validated the split with UPE 05” tackles a close friend of the president.

A mediation set for Tuesday, October 22 in Grenoble

“We act according to court decisions. The case is sensitive and we don’t want to do anything. But Sylvie Galéa acts as she wants. She is in denial…”, regrets for his part, one of the rebellious administrators who wishes to remain anonymous.

Pierre-Louis Rougny calls for “calm and caution”. And the Gapençais business leader justifies his position:

“We have a single objective, above all: it is the union of business leaders in the Hautes-Alpes regardless of differences of point of view. Without the CPME and the MEedef, the UPE 05 would not would not have much interest in existing, it is the Union for Enterprise with the two most important bodies, Medef and CPME, which represent the interprofessional branches. ‘act. We want to preserve it.

Pierre-Louis Rougny now wants to move forward and is not opposed to a cordial agreement to end this impasse before possible elections.

“We have all the legitimacy to act as we wish but we want consultation which is the best way” concludes the Gapençais.

This is good news, mediation is planned for next Tuesday, October 22 at the Grenoble court in order to find a favorable outcome to this conflict. It will take at least that to bring back some serenity within CPME 05.


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