DayFR Euro

: two micro-crèches closed for suspicion of abuse

Childcare conditions in daycare centers continue to raise questions. Two micro-crèches near (), suspected of possible “acts of mistreatment” and concealment of “surplus children”, were closed by the president of the departmental council for three months, we learned Thursday with the Department.

“The Department of Marne carried out, on Wednesday, the administrative closure for a period of three months” of these two crèches located in Villers-aux-Nœuds, a few kilometers from Reims, writes the department in a press release, confirming information of the Union.

This decision follows an inspection carried out on October 2 by the departmental Maternal Child Protection (PMI) service, which led to reports suggesting “probable acts of mistreatment committed by employees as well as practices aimed at concealing excess number of children during PMI exams.

The department also indicates that it has “sent a reporting letter to the Reims public prosecutor’s office under article 40 (of the code) of criminal procedure”.

Being “not certain that offenses other than administrative ones could have been noted”, the Reims prosecutor, François Schneider, indicates that “the file will be examined in more depth” by the public prosecutor’s office before deciding on the opening of an investigation.

Initially designed to develop a childcare offer in rural areas, micro-crèches (less than twelve cradles) benefit from a less demanding regulatory framework, which can lead to “operating with poorly qualified and poorly supervised personnel”, according to a report from the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (Igas) and the Finance Inspectorate (IGF) published in March.


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