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Elected official from Morbihan, Simon Uzenat recounts “a year of senatorial and regional commitment” in a booklet

It is a particularly dense and detailed document that Simon Uzenat, senator from Morbihan, is sending, these days, to the 5,000 elected officials of the department. A 48-page full-color magazine, supplemented by a booklet providing progress updates on the work in the Senate on the status of elected officials. Cultivate the power to act is intended for “report on the parliamentary session, as we committed to doing every year”, indicates the senator.

Local finances, regional planning, housing, public service, health, education, mobility… The booklet, also available on the Internet, reviews “one year of senatorial and regional commitment”.

Monitoring campaign commitments

Following the thread of the cover photo (a tree plantation at La Vraie-), each double page is illustrated by a tree. Its root comes back to campaign commitments and its pages present the action of Simon Uzenat in the hemicycle and in the department. “75% of the 80 campaign commitments have been achieved or have begun to be implemented”, calculates Simon Uzenat, recalling that these commitments are “conditional on the vote of the 347 other senators and 577 deputies”.

QR codes allow you to refer to the campaign document, to interventions in the chamber, to bills, but also to practical resources.

A not simple political context

The senator begins his second year in a political context which “gives the feeling of a great Macronist disruption” on the institutional and republican levels (with a President “who freed himself from the results of the legislative elections”), budgetary and financial (“with a slippage like we have never experienced in terms of public finances”), fiscal (“which has benefited the wealthiest and made the poorest more precarious”). The parliamentarian also points out the effort that local authorities will have to make, supporting “13% of the effort while they are only responsible for 9% of the 110% debt”.

Anyone who wants to be useful to elected officials and residents continues to survey the land. To discuss residents’ concerns and fuel the debate in the Senate, particularly on the 2025 budget. Ten meetings are scheduled until the end of the month with Morbihan elected officials.


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