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SURVEY – Generosity: Nouvelle-Aquitaine is the 3rd region where people give the most in , 216 euros per inhabitant

While the financial situation of the French is deteriorating, with half of the population experiencing difficulty making ends meet, the generosity of the French is experiencing a real rebound this year, according to the Odoxa survey* for Bleu and unveiled this Thursday, October 17. To establish its 2024 “Observatory of Generosities”, the institute examined the donations made by the French to people in difficulty, associations or projects over the last twelve months. It turns out that the French have, on average, donated 206 euros, or fifteen euros more than a year ago at the same time. But the trend is not the same in New Aquitaine : if the inhabitants of the region remain among the most generous in France, the Neo-Aquitains gave less.

An average annual donation of 216 euros per inhabitant in New Aquitaine

New Aquitaine is the third most generous region of Francewith an average annual donation of 216 euros per inhabitant, that is ten euros more than the national average. The 2024 Generosity Observatory from the Odoxa polling institute reveals that New Aquitaine ranks just behind Île-de-France (269 euros) and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (221 euros). But the region moves back one place: Neo-Aquitaine residents gave 22 euros less compared to the same period in 2023.

Despite everything, a sign of a level of generosity which remains high, Nouvelle-Aquitaine is the region of France where the number of inhabitants having reduced their donations over the last twelve months is the lowest (24%). To the question “Why have you made fewer donations over the last twelve months”, 79% of French people answered that they could afford it less than before. Financial constraints remain the main reason.


Nearly one in two Neo-Aquitains has difficulty making ends meet

According to Odoxa’s 2024 generosity barometer, over the last five years, 18% of inhabitants of Nouvelle-Aquitaine had to appeal for solidarity (money or in-kind donations). This is five points less than at the national level. Young people (37% of those under 35) and members of the poorest households (40%) were particularly confronted with this need for solidarity in France.

In New Aquitaine, 48% of residents have difficulty making ends meet, managing their monthly expenses with the resources they have, “while the purchasing power of the French has not increased as much as the prices of goods and services following the inflation crisis”recalls the Odoxa institute.


Medical research remains the preferred cause of New Aquitaine residents (37%) for making donationsahead of child protection (30%) and the fight against poverty in France (28%).

Odoxa’s Generosity Observatory 2024 also reveals that for 8 out of 10 French people, society is less and less united (79%). Nearly 9 out of 10 respondents believe that the French should show more solidarity to make society more pleasant to live in.

* The survey was carried out by the Odoxa institute among a sample of 4,664 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over. These people were interviewed online from September 18 to 23, 2024.


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